This one is for the Entrepreneurs!
What would it feel like to have enough money to really get your small business up and running, with all the capital you need to advertise, to rent the space you need, and hire the ideal people to help you grow?
Most likely, you’ve heard about “crowdfunding”, where you can raise money from real people, not big, greedy venture capitalists or nosy angels or even kind yet meddlesome friends and family. In our new book “Crowdfund Investing for Dummies” Jason, Zak and I explain the exact process you can use to raise the money you need – faster, safer and more likely to succeed.Entrepreneurs like you who need to raise $250,000, $500,000 or even up to $1M per year have found our simplified method exactly what they need to achieve their dreams. Click here to buy the book on Amazon now.
To get a sample of what you’ll learn in our book, we’re giving our newsletter subscribers a free taste. Click ‘How to Create a Great Crowdfund Investing Campaign‘ to view our timely video. It will open your mind to how to prepare to raise money from your crowd.
The Qualities of a Successful Entrepreneur
Leverage the Skills of Your Crowdfund Investors
Deciding Whether to Make a Crowdfund Investment
How to Help Your Crowdfund Investment Succeed