D3VC Update – Fund Commitments and Media

Dear CCA Followers,

I wanted to reach out and provide an exciting update on the progress of D3VC since our initial introduction. The response and engagement we have received have been truly remarkable, and I am grateful for your interest and support. Here’s a recap of our recent milestones:

Commitments: We are thrilled to share that we have already received commitments of $775K towards Fund I. The enthusiasm and belief in our data-driven approach and unique investment opportunities are truly inspiring. “I am incredibly thrilled by the overwhelming interest and support we have received for Fund I. The fact that we have already garnered $775K of commitments towards our $5M target is truly exciting,” said Sherwood Neiss, D3VC Founding Partner. “It is a testament to the belief and confidence that our prospective investors have in our data-driven approach and the unique investment opportunities we are set to offer. I am grateful for their trust and excited to embark on this journey together towards building a successful and impactful fund.”

Media: We are delighted to share that The Retail Capitalist recently covered our story, highlighting our AI-driven quant fund and focus on equity crowdfunding. The article recognized our comprehensive proprietary dataset and backtested results, showcasing our goal of identifying companies likely to receive follow-on venture capital funding. “D3VC.ai is in a fortuitous position of having a completely full proprietary dataset of all offerings since equity crowdfunding started. 6,100+ companies, 125+ data points on each, and a 6 person team with tremendous experience in AI and big data, they backtested their dataset with impressive results … their goal is to identify companies most likely to have that next follow-on round.”

Prospects: Our algorithm is actively at work, providing us with weekly predictions. Our investment committee diligently evaluates these prospects, and we have already performed due diligence on 60 companies, identifying several promising opportunities that align with our investment thesis.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to join our select group of early investors in the equity crowdfunding space. By joining our waitlist, you will secure priority access to our upcoming investment opportunities.

We’re thrilled to have you join us on this journey and shape the future of early-stage investing. Stay tuned for more updates as we progress towards our official launch.

Warm regards,

Sherwood Neiss



Please note that this email is intended solely for informational purposes and should not be considered as an offer to sell or a solicitation to buy securities. Any investment in D3VC or its affiliated funds will be made solely to accredited investors pursuant to Regulation D, Rule 506(c) of the Securities Act of 1933. Participation in our investment opportunities is subject to verification of accreditation status and compliance with applicable securities laws. Please consult with your legal and financial advisors before making any investment decisions.

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