
Fanbase is a free to download, free to use microcast social media platform with subscription capability for every user. Fanbase enables anyone to monetize their content charging $4.99 a month per subscriber, for exclusive access to photos, videos, audio chat rooms, and long-form content. Fanbase also has virtual currency known as “Love.” That allows users to tip other users half a penny per love. Users can give love on any type of content on Fanbase.
Our Traction Milestones in 2022 include:
Average engagement time for 2022 – 1 hour 31 minutes a day.
Over 270k Users
Our Development Accomplishments in 2022 include:
Flickz, our short form video editor launched on February 16th, 2022.
Fanbase Audio 2.0, drop in audio chat launched on April 13th, 2022.
TikTok Migration Functionality launched on June 23rd, 2022.
Fanbase Audio Exclusive Subscriber Rooms
launched on July 21st, 2022.
New Unlimited Subscriptions Functionality
launched on August 8th, 2022.
Pioneering Microcast Social Media.