Crowdfunding Update – How Regulation Crowdfunding Stood up to the First Weeks of Coronavirus –Almost Opposite of the Public Markets

The Coronavirus is taking the financial markets by storm. It began its attack on the public markets around February 12th. Since then, the markets have dropped 30% off their highs…

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SEC to Increase Regulation Crowdfunding Cap from $1 Million to $5 Million

We are excited to share with you today's press release by the Securities and Exchange Commission with long awaited improvements to Regulation Crowdfunding as well as other exempt offerings. These changes…

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Crowdfunding Update – SEC Proposes Increasing Reg CF Cap to $5 Million!

We are excited to share with you today's press release by the Securities and Exchange Commission with long awaited improvements to Regulation Crowdfunding as well as other exempt offerings. These changes should…

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Crowdfunding Update – 2019 State of Regulation Crowdfunding

Coming Soon 2019 was a blockbuster year for Regulation Crowdfunding. The industry flew by a quarter of a billion dollars in total investments and ended the year with $328 million…

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Regulation Crowdfunding Surpasses $250,000,000 in Commitments The Model is Working but its Potential is Much Greater

It has been just over 3 years since Regulation Crowdfunding (Reg CF) went into effect and most recently the industry surpassed a quarter of a billion dollars in commitments. Since…

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The 2018 State of Regulation Crowdfunding COMPLETE REPORT

The 2018 State of Regulation Crowdfunding COMPLETE REPORT Over 100 pages of Charts, Graphs and Analysis 2018 was a solid third year for Regulation Crowdfunding with triple digit growth all…

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Here’s a decision tree to help you figure out what type of crowdfunding is right for your business

People often group crowdfunding under one umbrella. In reality there are 5 very different types of crowdfunding. If you want to use it for your business or startup it is…

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How Much Does a Regulation Crowdfunding Campaign Actually Cost?

The following is a reprint of a story Sherwood Neiss wrote for Venture Beat. The original can be found here. The full report is available for paid download: [purchase_link id="3247" style="button"…

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Support Innovation & Stimulate The Economy – Help us raise the Regulation Crowdfunding cap

On July 19th we submitted a letter to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) providing data and analysis for why the Regulation Crowdfunding cap should be increased from US$1.07M to…

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Prominent Group of Fintech Leaders Send Letter to SEC Chair Jay Clayton Seeking an Increase in Regulation Crowdfunding to $20 Million

The following is a reprint of a story regarding the letter CCA coordinated to increase the Regulation Crowdfunding cap to US$20M. The original can be found here. In a letter…

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How to Crowdfund and Not Fall Flat on Your Face: Best Practices for Investment Crowdfunding Offerings and the Data to Prove It

Using data published by Crowdfund Capital Advisors, Zachary J. Robins wrote the following article for the Mitchell Hamline Law Review.  

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Find Investors and Finance Your Business with Equity Crowdfunding

Are you seeking investors to help you fund your business idea or growth? With the launch of equity crowdfunding in 2016, businesses can now raise money from ordinary investors online.…

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